Horror mainstay Graham Skipper’s second full-length feature, SEQUENCE BREAK, is coming to digital platforms and VOD Jan. 7th, 2020. Besides releasing his film SEQUENCE BREAK (both written and directed by Skipper), he also appeared in festival favorite’s VFW & BLISS this year. SEQUENCE BREAK is about an introverted video arcade repair technician, Oz (Chase Williamson). A strange arcade game mysteriously appears in his shop along with a beautiful young woman, Tess (Fabienne Therese). SEQUENCE BREAK is a Sci-Fi Romance mixed with Body Horror ala Cronenberg.

SYNOPSIS: A reclusive video arcade repair technician experiences bizarre biomechanical mutations and Cronenbergian hallucinations when a mysterious new arcade machine appears in his shop. Reality itself threatens to fracture as he works to solve its mystery and the new chaos that has entered his life.

ON VOD / DIGITAL: January 7, 2020
DIRECTOR: Graham Skipper
WRITER: Graham Skipper
CAST: Chase Williamson, Fabianne Therese, Lyle Kanouse, Audrey Wasilewski and Johnny Dinan
RUN TIME: 81 minutes
GENRE: Horror / SciFi