IT Chapter Two just released the final trailer to the film. The film will be released nationwide Sept. 6, 2019. From the looks of the trailer, the conclusion promises to be even more terrifying than its predecessor!
Twenty-seven years after the Losers Club defeated Pennywise, he has returned to terrorize the town of Derry once more. Now, adults, the Losers have long since gone their separate ways. However, kids are disappearing again, so Mike, the only one of the group to remain in their hometown, calls the others home. Damaged by the experiences of their past, they must each conquer their deepest fears to destroy Pennywise once and for all, putting them directly in the path of the clown that has become deadlier than ever.

“IT Chapter Two” stars James McAvoy as Bill, Jessica Chastain as Beverly, Isaiah Mustafa as Mike, Jay Ryan as Ben, James Ransone as Eddie, and Andy Bean as Stanley. Reprising their roles as the original members of the Losers Club as children are Jaeden Martell as Bill, Wyatt Oleff as Stanley, Jack Dylan Grazer as Eddie, Finn Wolfhard as Richie, Sophia Lillis as Beverly, Chosen Jacobs as Mike, and Jeremy Ray Taylor as Ben. Bill Skarsgård returns as Pennywise. Andy Muschietti returns to direct IT Chapter Two.